Instagram illuminatestroud "As silver in a crucible and gold in a pan, so our Archway! Want to ask some of life's bid questions? THIS WEEK – Here's what's happening at illuminate BAKERS NEEDED – could you bake cakes or biscuits o "Good-tempered leaders invigorate lives; they are WE ARE BACK! See you at the tin church after schoo BACK TO SCHOOl and Back to Youth Club! Here's what "Good leaders cultivate honest speech; they love a Happy Half Term! Nothing illuminate this week but "Good leaders abhor wrongdoing of all kinds, sound ARCHWAY! Here's what illuminate have in store for What's on this week! Here's what's happening acros "A good leader motivates; doesn't mislead, doesn't Don't forget the illuminate team are at the Tin Ch TIMETABLE – Here's what's happening this week in y "Far better to be right and poor, than be wrong an TUESDAYS With illuminate… don't miss the team in Don't forget it's Bank Holiday on Monday so no ses "A twinkle in the eye means joy in the heart and g STROUD! The illuminate team are at the Tin Church Load More Follow on Instagram illuminatedursley Coming up this week in #Dursley – come and visit u This week we are listening to #FaithfulOne Listen Coming up this week in #Dursley – come and visit u #TuesdayTunes "The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)" Mat Coming up this week in #Dursley – come and visit u We had a great time with @TheDoorStroud at Drayton I'll praise in the valley Praise on the mountain I TIMETABLE – We hope you all had a great Half Term Coming up this week in #Dursley – come and visit u We had a great time at Bible, Burgers and Bowling This week's #WednesdayWisdom is from #Proverbs 11: This week we are listening too…. "Raise a Hallel HALF TERM TIMETABLE – illuminate sessions are on a "Hatred starts fights but love pulls a quilt over This week we are listening to…. "Lord I Lift You Coming up this week in #Dursley – come and visit u "The speech of a good person clears the air; the w Fusion Cafe is open every Tuesday at The Vibe 3-5p TIMETABLE: Don't forget to look out for quiet sess We pray for our education system, for justice in e Load More Follow on Instagram