Instagram illuminatestroud "As silver in a crucible and gold in a pan, so our Archway! Want to ask some of life's bid questions? THIS WEEK – Here's what's happening at illuminate BAKERS NEEDED – could you bake cakes or biscuits o "Good-tempered leaders invigorate lives; they are WE ARE BACK! See you at the tin church after schoo BACK TO SCHOOl and Back to Youth Club! Here's what "Good leaders cultivate honest speech; they love a Happy Half Term! Nothing illuminate this week but "Good leaders abhor wrongdoing of all kinds, sound ARCHWAY! Here's what illuminate have in store for What's on this week! Here's what's happening acros "A good leader motivates; doesn't mislead, doesn't Don't forget the illuminate team are at the Tin Ch TIMETABLE – Here's what's happening this week in y "Far better to be right and poor, than be wrong an TUESDAYS With illuminate… don't miss the team in Don't forget it's Bank Holiday on Monday so no ses "A twinkle in the eye means joy in the heart and g STROUD! The illuminate team are at the Tin Church Load More Follow on Instagram illuminatedursley NEW TIMETABLE – Here's an up to date version of ou Drinking from the beautiful chalice of knowledge i Knowing what is right is like deep water in the he Do you have a passion to help young people grow an "Friends come and friends go, but a true friend st "Words satisfy the mind as much as a fruit does th Another busy week #OnlyAtTheDoor with Pizza, Polic Intern with us! Find out more at https://thedoor.o Day 5 at Satellites!!!! It was an amazing last da This #CharityTuesday we say THANK YOU to the Arthu Day 4 at Satellites!!! Our young people had a grea Day 3 at Satellites!! Another great day of worksho Day 2 at Satellites!! Our young people enjoyed som Day 1 at Satellites!! Some of our young people and Intern with us! Find out more at https://thedoor.o "The first speech in a court case is always convin illuminate may be taking a break over the summer b The Wise are always learning, always listening for Where will you be this week? We'll be here… #Com THIS WEEK – here's what's happening in youth club Load More Follow on Instagram